Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most

Sunday I will be 27 weeks, officially into the third trimester and I have absolutely no brain to speak of anymore. I am screwing things up at work, forgetting to return calls, text, emails and even book meeting rooms for major meetings. It is really getting bad.

the dumb

I hope my brain is resurgent before this child is born or I may not have a job to come back to after maternity leave…. jk but only kinda.

The nesting is also in high gear. My husband is not thrilled about this but he is grin and bearing it. We are going to buy a new couch which is one of the items he is not thrilled about, he has however conceded to the fact that it is going to happen. The one we have is 10 years old and has survived many a dog butt/accidents between our dogs, family members dogs and foster dogs over the years and it stinks. I replaced both of the dog beds because they were stinky. I am going to have the carpet cleaned professionally or my husband can do it if he prefers. I am scheduling to have the house cleaned professionally closer to birth so that I do not have worry about it after the c section. We keep the house clean but I want someone to come do the spring cleaning stuff like base boards and wiping down cabinets that I will not have the energy to do before or after the baby. We will have quite a large amount of people that will visit over the next few months and I do not want to worry about it. My OCD can not handle it needing to be cleaned and the nesting is only magnifying the OCD.

I have basically finalized the registries and have picked up a few things on clearance that were too cute or cheap to pass up.

The ultrasound tech thinks she was able to tell the sex after the second ultrasound. My husband still does not want to know the sex so I am trying to not talk to him about it so I dont spill the beans. I however wanted to know so that I could plan, coming home outfit and various other gender specific items. I understand why he doesnt want to know, mostly because he is not the planner that I am and does not feel the need to be as prepared as possible before the birth. He would be at Target the day the baby is born buying stuff because that works for him. I on the other hand want to come home knowing we have what we need for at least a week if not longer. Opposites attract and only from time to time does his lack of planning make me want to kill him, ha.

Tayla has finally come around and is excited for her sibling. She finally admitted she wants a sister. I have not told her the sex of the baby yet so everyone is in suspense.

3 thoughts on “Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most

  1. I hate to break it to you, but your brain gets even worse after you have the baby because you’re so damned tired it just shuts down all non-essential functions. BUT, you do learn how to function on less sleep than you ever thought possible so there’s an up side. 🙂

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    • Oh no! I had a deep rooted fear that it was going to be that way. Its been 14 years since I was pregnant last and I had forgotten how bad it is at the end of the pregnancy.

      I was sleeping so well in the beginning but insomnia has been rearing its ugly head. I guess it prepping me for baby….. Still not funny. ha

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